Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the common questions we get about Body Sculpting, Lymphatic Drainage Detox, Ultrasonic Cavitation and Radio Frequency, and Laser Lipo…….

Sculpting Your Body

Body sculpting, or body contouring, is a procedure designed to reshape an area of the body. It can help you tone muscle or get rid of unwanted fat. It’s most commonly used to get rid of stubborn fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise such as lower belly, arms or thighs.

There are multiple treatments that can be used to remove unwanted fat. Freezing, skin tightening with lasers and more. They all have different techniques but generally multiple treatments are needed for best results.

Body sculpting is unique because it is a non-invasive body treatment that has little to no downtimes comparable with benefits that are similar to surgical lipo. You may experience numbness, redness or mild bruising initially for a couple of days only after your procedures.

Lymphatic drainage significantly reduces total inflammation-muscle fatigue, swellings of face and limbs. It improves and relieves the immune system by cleansing the blood tissues of toxic wastes, pain and edema, as it gently enhances the flow of lymph fluid from the blood stream throughout the entire body via sweating, urination and defecation.

Ultrasonic Cavitation and Radio Frequency are great for those wanting to get rid of fat cells and also tone and tighten the skin. It can help with sagging skin and cellulite to slim and contour the body. At least 6-8 treatments are usually needed and best results are seen about 6 months after finishing the series of treatments.

Laser lipo is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction that uses laser to get rid of unwanted fat. It can be used on any area to get rid of stubborn fat and contour the body. Typically 6-12 sessions are needed for desired results and slimming.