Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

Over time, your skin will show signs of age. It’s natural. Skin loosens up because it starts to lose proteins called collagen and elastin, the substances that make the skin firm. The result is wrinkles, sagging appearance on your hands, neck, and face.
If you’re looking to try something other than fillers but don’t want to commit to major surgery, you may want to consider skin tightening with a type of energy called radio waves.

How Radiofrequency Skin Tightening Works

Radiofrequency skin tightening, or RF treatment, is a non-invasive procedure. A wand that is connected to a machine that creates radio waves. They will pass the wand over your body to apply radio waves to your skin. The waves give off heat that prompts your skin to produce more collagen and elastin. The treatment also speeds up cell turnover, so the skin gets firmer and thicker over time. The process can take approximately 30 to 90 minutes, depending on how much skin you are having treated. The treatment will leave you with minimal discomfort.

What Radiofrequency Treatments Help

Radiofrequency skin tightening is a safe, effective anti-aging treatment for a number of different parts of the body. It is a popular treatment for the face and neck area. It can also help with loose skin around your belly or upper arms. Radiofrequency treatments are good for body sculpting.

What to Know Before Getting Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

  • Safety: Radiofrequency skin tightening is considered safe and effective. The FDA has approved it for reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Effects. You may start to see changes to your skin right away. The most significant improvements to skin tightness will come later. Skin can keep getting tighter up to six months after the radiofrequency treatment.
  • Recovery: Normally, since this procedure is completely noninvasive, you won’t have much of a recovery time. You may be able to go back to normal activities right after the treatment.
  • What to Expect: In the first 24 hours, you may see some redness or feel tingling and soreness. Those symptoms disappear pretty quickly. In rare cases, people have reported pain or blistering from the treatment.
  • Cost: The price of radiofrequency skin tightening varies. The cost will depend on the size of the area you wish to have treated.
  • Number of treatments: Most people only need one treatment to see full effects, but some people may require between 8 to 12 sessions depending on body type. Doctors recommend following an appropriate skin care regimen after the procedure. Sunscreen and other skin care products may help make the effects last longer.

How Long Radiofrequency Skin Tightening Lasts

The effects of radiofrequency skin tightening are not as long-lasting as surgery, but it does last a significant amount of time. Once you’ve had the treatment, you shouldn’t need to repeat it for a year or two. Dermal fillers, by comparison, need to be touched up several times per year.